Better Move Marin
Gabriella Piccioni
More About the Anat Baniel Method
Anat trained and taught for many years with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. Basing her ideas on his work and on her extensive experience with thousands of clients during her 30 years of practice, she developed her own method. The Anat Baniel Method of NeuroMovement has evolved to include new scientific understanding of how the brain learns through movement with awareness.
Anat has written two books, Move Into Life and Kids Beyond Limits, and speaks at events worldwide. She has trained hundreds of practitioners in her approach, and her trainings are attended by aspiring and established practitioners from all over the world.
She established the Anat Baniel Center in San Rafael, California where professional trainings, workshops, and private sessions are held.
the nine essentials
The Nine Essentials are the core of Anat Baniel's work.
Each of the Nine Essentials is a concrete guide to creating the conditions for waking up the brain and boosting its learning power. Following these principles allows the brain to creates new connections needed to overcome pain and to reach new levels of physical and cognitive performance.
MOvement with attention
Bring attention to what you feel as you move. Your brain will start building new neurological connections to help you learn, evolve and transform.
Slow way down to learn new skills and overcome limitations. When you go fast, you can only do waht you already know. Slow stimulates the formation of new patterns.
Introduce variation and playfulness into everything you do. Your brain will get the information it needs to create new possibilities in movements, thoughts and actions
Reduce the force. Use less effort. Developing greater sensitivity will enhance your brain's ability to perceive small and important differences.
Practice enthusiasm in your daily life. Enthusiasm tells your brain what is important to you, and infuses your life with energy and hopefulness.
flexible goals
Know your goals and embrace the unexpected steps, the mis-steps, and re-routes along the way. These changes are valuable opportunities to help us learn, grow and thrive.
the learning switch
For the brain to do its job well, the learning switch needs to be turned on. Expect that you will learn or do something new every day, even in familiar situations.
imagination & DREAMS
imagine how to live your daily life and dream up as many possibilities as you can. Your dreams can be a guide for your brain to continue growing and developing.
Become aware of what you are doing, sensing, thinking and experiencing at any given moment. Research shows we learn the most when we pay close attention.