Better Move Marin
Gabriella Piccioni
My Story
I work with both adults and children, and I'm passionate about helping people find their way to wellness.
Professional Training
Advanced Practitioner
Training - 2017, 2018, 2019
Trainer: Sylvia Shordike
Advanced Training - Children with Special Needs - 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Trainer: Sylvia Shordike
Feldenkrais Advanced Practitioner Training - 2015
Trainer: Larry Goldfarb
Feldenkrias Advanced Practitioner Training - 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021
Trainer: Mia Segal
Bones for Life - Chairs - 2010
Trainer: Ruthy Alon
ABM NeuroMovement® Online Coaching - 2020
Trainer: Anat Baniel
ABM NeuroMovement® High Performers- 2014
Trainers: Anat Baniel,
Marcy LIndeheimer
ABM NeuroMovement® Vitality and Anti-Aging- 2013
Trainers: Anat Baniel,
Marcy LIndeheimer
ABM NeuroMovement® Children's Mastery- 2011-2012
Trainers: Anat Baniel,
Marcy LIndeheimer
NeuroMovement® Basic Practitioner Training - 2009-2011
Trainers: Anat Baniel,
Marcy Lindheimer
In my mid-30s, severe back spasms would bring me to a complete halt at random times during my day. My doctor recommended pain relievers, which didn't help. I was reluctant to take stronger pain medication and wanted an alternative solution.
A friend of mine told me about the Feldenkrais Method -- he had worked
with Feldenkrais practitioners when he was a professional football coach. I was curious, desperate and had nothing to lose, so I gave it a try. After my first session, my pain was reduced dramatically. When I stood up, I felt taller and lighter. I had more energy. I could clearly sense connections between different parts of my self. Within 3-5 lessons, the spasms disappeared.
When our lives change, we adapt in ways that can potentially cause more difficulty. In my first experience with Feldenkrais, I discovered that after I
became a new parent, I had developed new habits that I wasn't aware of --
new movement patterns that were causing pain. I assumed that the pain
was an inevitable part of life as a parent. After the sessions, I could feel that
the way I held my baby was connected to my problem. It was easy to learn
to hold her in different ways. I could do something to relieve the pain.
The results seemed miraculous. But the changes I experienced weren't caused
by magic. They happened because I worked with a skillful practitioner who understood how our brains control action and everything we do. By giving the brain the information it needs to function better, we can improve dramatically.
I continued taking lessons for 12 years, learning about the method and developing awareness of my self and my patterns. I discovered powerful
tools to deal with old habits, injuries, and discomfort.
Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic. - ARTHUR C. CLARKE
I was increasingly fascinated with the process. There was so much to learn about body mechanics and physical and neurological connections. The potential to help others seemed vast. With a background in finance, marketing and graphic design, I never thought I'd pursue a career in "bodywork". With a healthy dose of skepticism about alternative methods of healing, I enrolled in formal practitioner training with the encouragement of my mentor.
I was skeptical that I could make it through the training. My academic and professional background was based on highly analytical approaches to problem-solving. I was surprised how the training changed my life and expanded my concept of what it means to live a full life, more connected to myself, this time through my kinesthetic sense. My experience gave me a new perspective
on the transformative power of learning, and new ways to contribute through
a deeply rewarding practice of helping and supporting others. After more than two years of training, I received my certification in 2011.
I have since completed advanced training programs to address anti-aging, high performance, and children with special needs. I've witnessed the remarkable outcomes that can occur through this work, and am inspired to continue working and refining my abilities as a compassionate and effective practitioner.
I bring this enthusiasm and extensive knowledge to our sessions. I'm encouraged by the almost unlimited ability we have to learn and to improve our lives. I am perpetually interested in human development, neuroscience, and psychology, and have been gratified to see that current brain science is revealing why NeuroMovement® and the Feldenkrais Method are so potent, and confirming their efficacy with research.
It's especially thrilling to watch as people realize, with my guidance and support, that they can develop the inner resources needed to face life's challenges. They emerge through their setbacks with tools needed to live life more fully. Learning can be a joy at any age, especially when the learning leads to lasting pain relief and the discovery of new capabilities. It's exciting to rediscover our vitality and to live with deeper awareness.
I can help you do this, too.
I currently work at COPEC (Community Program for Exceptional Children) in Oakland, California, teaching under-served families of kids with special needs how to find relief from problems that once seemed insurmountable.
My training experience is listed to the left.
My background includes a BA in Economics from UC Berkeley, and studies
in Graphic Design at University of Washington. I have been a Product Marketing Manager for Intuit (Quicken), a Strategic Business Analyst for Apple Computer, and a freelance Graphic Designer.
I have also been trained in the RULER method for Social and Emotional Intelligence - through the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. This highly effective program has been implemented in schools world-wide and offers children and teachers the tools to become more skillful when dealing with their emotions and relationships with others.
I live with my husband and two children in Marin County.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive;
and to do so with some passion, some compassion,
some humor, and some style. - MAYA ANGELOU